Jane Harding is an experimental printmaker whose art training was at the University of the West of England. She uses unconventional printmaking techniques to explore the natural environment, the changing climate, and the consequences of human exploitation of the planet. Her work is a response to personal experience, and now reflects the constant and escalating uncertainty with which we live. She has exhibited at the University of York, the Guatemalan Centre, London, the Bleddfa Centre, and she has contributed to exhibitions at the Sydney Nolan Trust, the Bankside Gallery London, and the Rabley Contemporary Drawing Gallery.

After art training and a career in special education, teaching, counselling, and NHS management, she worked for the Royal Society of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce (RSA). On moving to Shropshire she started printmaking and experimenting with mixed-media techniques.

Following a highly successful exhibition, Darkness and Light, with Don Braisby and Frances Carlile at the Bleddfa Centre in Powys, Jane has begun a collaborative project with David Powley, the Ryedale writers, and others, using their work as starting points, which she is interpreting in her own way. The working title is Project 23, and will be exhibited at the Helmsley Art Centre in 2023.

“I use a variety of media in addition to conventional printmaking techniques to express my experience of the natural environment, the changing climate and the consequences of human exploitation of the planet, and this now reflects the constant and escalating uncertainty with which we live. The work is semi-abstract and I often use found materials from which to print. These materials may be incorporated in the work”.


Phone Iphone 07904 404314

Instagram @janehardingartist